Bremerton Wellness Blog

Sciatic Pain & What They Don’t Tell You About Corticosteroids in Bremerton WA

Sciatic Pain & What They Don’t Tell You About Corticosteroids in Bremerton WA

Sciatic Pain & What They Don’t Tell You About Corticosteroids in Bremerton WA Sciatica is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve and can cause shooting pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs. This compression can be caused by disc herniation, stenosis, trauma, or tightness of the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve. Symptoms of sciatica…

Noninvasive Carpal Tunnel Treatment – Why You Dont Have to Go Under the Knife to Find Relief in Bremerton WA

Noninvasive Carpal Tunnel Treatment – Why You Dont Have to Go Under the Knife to Find Relief in Bremerton WA

Noninvasive Carpal Tunnel Treatment – Why You Dont Have to Go Under the Knife to Find Relief in Bremerton WA It is likely that you’ve heard carpal tunnel in Bremerton WA used as a catch-all term for any nerve pain in the arm or hand. In reality, carpal tunnel syndrome is the compression of the…

Natural Treatment for Knee Pain and Why Youre Not Actually Bone on Bone in Bremerton WA

Natural Treatment for Knee Pain and Why Youre Not Actually Bone on Bone in Bremerton WA

Natural Treatment for Knee Pain and Why Youre Not Actually Bone on Bone in Bremerton WA Knee decompression therapy is being used to decrease knee pain in Bremerton WA – how you can naturally take the pressure off of your knees and get back to doing the things you love. How We Can Help in…

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Bremerton WA

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Bremerton WA

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Bremerton WA Natural solutions to plantar fasciitis in Bremerton WA – get back to doing the things you love! Whether you enjoy hiking, playing with your grandchildren or working an active job, most of us spend a lot of time on our feet. Movement is good for our joints, muscles, and…

Acupuncture and Herbs

Acupuncture and Herbs

Acupuncture and Herbs In Bremerton 薄荷 bò he field mint peppermint 薄荷油 bò he yóu peppermint oil Peppermint in Bremerton “Releases the exterior” in Chinese medicine but is also cooling. Settles the tummy, popular in many cultures as a fresh leave tea served warm or cold. Has a cooling effect, sensory-wise on the palate, which…

Chronic Shoulder Pain Treatment In Bremerton

Chronic Shoulder Pain Treatment In Bremerton

Chronic Shoulder Pain Treatment In Bremerton Our shoulders are very important aspects of our bodies. They give our body form, help us carry a lot of things ranging from our neck and head to our bags. It is a very hard-working part of our body. It is also the part that is highly susceptible to…